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Panel meters (analogue) X series

Analogue panel meters for all-round precise control

The standard housing dimensions are available for the analog measuring instruments for panel mounting from Müller + Ziegler. All meters of the X series are equipped with an interchangeable scale. 100% testing and outgoing goods inspection ensure the best possible quality with a short delivery time.

EQX direct

Moving-iron panel meter Alternating current and alternating voltage direct measurement Moving-iron panel meter

EQX for CT’s

Moving-iron panel meter Alternating current and alternating voltage for use with CT or VT

EQX ..nL for CT’s

Moving-iron panel meter Alternating current for use with CT with high overload values


Moving-iron panel meter Voltmeter with phase selector switch


Moving-iron panel meter Double voltmeter with diagonal gauges

DQX Standard signals

Moving-coil panel meter Direct current and direct voltage for standard signals 90°

DQX direct

Moving-coil panel meter Direct current and direct voltage for direct measurement 90°

DQX-250 Standard signals

Moving-coil panel meter Direct current and direct voltage for standard signals 240°

DQX-250 direct

Moving-coil panel meter Direct current and direct voltage for direct measurement 240°

DPX Standard signals

Moving coil rectangular panel meters Direct current and direct voltage for standard signals

DPX direct

Moving coil rectangular panel meters Direct direct voltage for direct measurement


Bimetal panel meters Alternating current with slave pointer (maximum current ammeter)


Bimetal panel meters Alternating current with slave pointer (maximum current ammeter) combined with moving-iron ammeter (instantaneous current ammeter)


Power factor meters for alternating current


Frequency meters Pointer frequency meters


Frequency meters Vibrating reed frequency meters


Frequency meters Double pointer frequency meters with diagonal gauges


Synchronoscopes Digital synchronoscopes with or without display


Operating hour counter for alternating and direct current


Voltmeter selector switch with 4 or 7 positions


Mounting kits

EQX direct

Moving-iron panel meter Alternating current and alternating voltage direct measurement Moving-iron panel meter

EQX for CT’s

Moving-iron panel meter Alternating current and alternating voltage for use with CT or VT

EQX ..nL for CT’s

Moving-iron panel meter Alternating current for use with CT with high overload values


Moving-iron panel meter Voltmeter with phase selector switch


Moving-iron panel meter Double voltmeter with diagonal gauges

DQX Standard signals

Moving-coil panel meter Direct current and direct voltage for standard signals 90°

DQX direct

Moving-coil panel meter Direct current and direct voltage for direct measurement 90°

DQX-250 Standard signals

Moving-coil panel meter Direct current and direct voltage for standard signals 240°

DQX-250 direct

Moving-coil panel meter Direct current and direct voltage for direct measurement 240°

DPX Standard signals

Moving coil rectangular panel meters Direct current and direct voltage for standard signals

DPX direct

Moving coil rectangular panel meters Direct direct voltage for direct measurement


Bimetal panel meters Alternating current with slave pointer (maximum current ammeter)


Bimetal panel meters Alternating current with slave pointer (maximum current ammeter) combined with moving-iron ammeter (instantaneous current ammeter)


Power factor meters for alternating current


Frequency meters Pointer frequency meters


Frequency meters Vibrating reed frequency meters


Frequency meters Double pointer frequency meters with diagonal gauges


Synchronoscopes Digital synchronoscopes with or without display


Operating hour counter for alternating and direct current


Voltmeter selector switch with 4 or 7 positions


Mounting kits

Waste-water engineering to wind turbines

The display devices of sizes 96 x 96 mm and 144 x 144 mm can also be supplied with switching contacts as limit value transmitters for the monitoring over the entire scale range of settable limits for all electrically measurable quantities. The limits can be set on the front of the equipment. The corresponding high quality production of Müller + Ziegler goes without saying.

Special variants for individual needs

Besides the standard range of analogue meters, we offer a broad spectrum of customised and special versions of the analogue panel meter. They can be produced without difficulty to suit your individual needs.  In keeping with our ambition to find an innovative solution for every demand, we also produce complex special devices and measuring instruments quickly and flexibly at our factory in Gunzenhausen.

The range of panel meters from Müller + Ziegler is rounded off with fault indicators, operating hours meters and phase-sequence indicators. Further information and specifications can be found in our data sheet.

Müller + Ziegler GmbH

Industriestraße 23
91710 Gunzenhausen

Tel.: +49 9831 5004-0

Opening hours

Monday – Thursday
07:00 – 12:00 h
13:00 – 16:00 h

07:00 – 12:00 h

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