Frequency meters
Pointer frequency meters
Frequecy measuring devices are used to measure the mains frequency in the specified frequency ranges with the corresponding nominal voltage. Only a selected partial area is preferably used as the measuring area.
Function / Design
The frequency measuring devices are constructed with a core magnet moving-coil system and an integrated microcontroller. The measurement is independent of the waveform. The scale progression is linear. The frequency measuring devices are manufactured in accordance with DIN EN 60051 and the other applicable VDE and DIN regulations. The accuracy is 1.5%, related to the full scale value, for size 48 devices the accuracy is 2.5%. The devices can be permanently overloaded by a factor of 1.2. For the rest, DIN EN 60051 applies.
The auxiliary voltage for supplying the electronics is obtained from the measuring voltage. The power consumption is approx. 10 mA.
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