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SKU: Shunts Category:


Shunt resistors (Shunts) have diverse uses. They can be used to extend the range of moving coil meters as well as to supply a current-dependent voltage drop which may be important for the electronic further processing of direct current in energy management or in measurement engineering for example. Since the voltage drop is proportional to the prevailing current strength it can therefore be measured. Shunt resistors may also be referred to as current measuring resistors or shunts. for example. Since the voltage drop is proportional to the prevailing current strength it can therefore be measured. Shunt resistors may also be referred to as current measuring resistors or shunts. for example. Since the voltage drop is proportional to the prevailing current strength it can therefore be measured. Shunt resistors may also be referred to as current measuring resistors or shunts.

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    Müller + Ziegler GmbH

    Industriestraße 23
    91710 Gunzenhausen

    Tel.: +49 9831 5004-0

    Opening hours

    Monday – Thursday
    07:00 – 12:00 h
    13:00 – 16:00 h

    07:00 – 12:00 h

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