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Digital measuring instruments
4 digit, 96 x 48 mm with two adjustable limit values for direct and alternating current and voltage (True RMS)

SKU: DSMG 96 Categories: ,


Digital measuring instruments 4 digit, 96 x 48 mm with two adjustable limit values for direct and alternating current and voltage (True RMS)

The digital measuring instrument DSMG 96 may be used for measuring and monitoring two limit values with direct current and direct voltage, alternating current and alternating voltage as well as for the indication of transformed nonelectrical parameters.

The measurand is sent to a 4-digit A/D converter via series resistors and shunts (in case of alternating current via an rms rectifier). The conversion is made following the „Dual Slope“ principle. The values are indicated by 7-segment low-power LED displays. The measurand is continuously compared to the set limit values. As soon as the limit values are reached, the related limit value contacts are switched. The programming of the limit values is done via the front panel using membrane keys. The measuring instrument is equipped with a min/max value memory. The zero point compensation is done automatically. Decimal points, dark switching of the last digit, zero point as well as display range may be changed after removing the front panel.

PDF-general description
PDF-product description
PDF-operating manual


    Müller + Ziegler GmbH

    Industriestraße 23
    91710 Gunzenhausen

    Tel.: +49 9831 5004-0

    Opening hours

    Monday – Thursday
    07:00 – 12:00 h
    13:00 – 16:00 h

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