DSM 9624 Pt, DSM 4824 Pt, DSM 9624 W, DSM 4824 W
Digital measuring instruments
4 digit, 96 x 24 mm and 48 x 24 mm for temperature and resistance
Digital measuring instruments 4 digit, 96 x 24 mm and 48 x 24 mm for temperature and resistance
The digital measuring instruments DSM 9624 Pt and DSM 4824 Pt are used for measuring the temperature in connection with a resistance thermometer Pt 100. Types DSM 9624 W and DSM 4824 W are used for measuring resistances.
The panel meters serve as 4-digit display for Pt 100 sensor signals and resistance and as visual limit monitoring via the display. Programming is done via three front keys. An integrated programming interlock prevents unrequested changes of the parameter and can be unlocked again via an individual code. The electrical connection is at the rear via plug-in terminals. Further selectable functions like e.g. the recall of the min.-/max.-value, a zero point slowdown, a direct change of the limit value in operating mode and an impedance matching up to 20 °C are integrated into the device.
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